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Benefits of Counseling

Divorce should be your last option.

Working on your marriage can be difficult,

but the rewards may prove to be invaluable.

During this time of transition and uncertainty, individual and group counseling may be useful to help you through this difficult stage in your life. Here are some ways that counseling can benefit you, your spouse, and your children:


1.      Counseling can help you build and maintain a healthy marriage.  If there is any chance of saving your marriage, I strongly urge you to explore it.  At times it may be difficult to determine whether divorce is the correct path for you, or if there is anything that may be done to save your marriage. Enlisting the help of a marriage counselor can help you uncover the root of your marital issues and determine whether or not your marriage is salvageable. If you and your spouse are willing to put forth the work, with the help of a marriage counselor, you and your spouse may be able to rebuild your marriage.


2.      Counseling can give you peace of mind.  If you attempt marriage counseling or individual counseling in hopes of working on your marriage, and it is unsuccessful, you can have peace of mind in knowing that you went the extra step to try and save your marriage prior to considering divorce.


3.      Counseling can help your children deal with the divorce.  You and your spouse’s actions during the divorce will affect your children.  Your actions will makes a huge difference in how your children feel and deal with the idea of you and your spouse having marital conflict or deciding to divorce. By receiving the assistance of a mental health professional, you can help minimize the damage caused by the divorce process and speed the healing process.


4.      Counseling can help you and your spouse co-parent effectively.  Your actions during the divorce can set the tone for how you and your spouse will work together in the future for your children’s welfare. Even after you are divorced, you and your spouse will still be your children’s parents. Your children’s best interests are served if each of you are courteous to the other and maintain an active role in the lives of your children.  This includes both parents participating in the decision-making that affects your children. If you and your spouse are not yet able to put aside your differences and put the children first, counseling can help get there.


5.      Counseling can help you reduce the stress cause by divorce.  Divorce is stressful.  Some people cope better with stress than others. Talking with a counselor about how to deal with the stress is often helpful.  In addition, it will help you put your emotions aside so that you can make rational decisions.


6.      Counseling can help you work with your lawyer.  Counseling may help you see emotional issues for what they are so that you can make better judgments as to legal and financial matters. This can help you avoid making costly irrational decisions based off your emotions.


7.      Counseling can help you with accepting that the marriage has ended.  Counseling can help you and your spouse understand the reasons and causes of the marital breakup. This can help you understand what went wrong in your marriage so that you can make a wiser decision in selecting your next spouse. Although you may think that you will never marry again, most divorced people do remarry. A better understanding of your role in the breakup of this marriage will maximize your chances of success next time.


8.      Counseling can help you rebuild your life.  Counseling can help you understand and appreciate the problems of your marriage. This will likely enable you to be better equipped to recover from your anger and frustration.  By getting past your anger and frustration, you will be able to look past the hurt and towards your future so that you can rebuild and get on with your life.

Get Divorce Help

We are your source for Tennessee divorce

With a free library of divorce resources that covers every aspect

of a Tennessee divorce from start to finish...

Divorce with Dignity!

Protect your most precious assets...

Click the button below to get a FREE copy of our

divorce guide entitled "Divorce with Dignity." 


Learn what you need to know NOW to protect yourself, your finances, and

your children throughout the divorce process!

By reading Divorce with Dignity, you will learn:

  • 12 important steps to take when contemplating divorce,

  • How to determine whether or not you need a divorce lawyer,

  • How to choose the right divorce lawyer for you,

  • How to save on attorney fees and court costs,

  • How child custody is determined in Tennessee,

  • How child visitation is determined in Tennessee,

  • How child support is determined in Tennessee,

  • How alimony is determined in Tennessee,

  • How property is divided in a Tennessee divorce,

  • How to maintain control throughout the divorce process,

  • How to reduce tension between you and your spouse,

  • How to protect your finances throughout the divorce process, and

  • How to protect your children throughout the divorce process.

The Four Core Areas of Divorce

Throughout the divorce process, you will have to make many decisions that may have an immense effect on you, your finances, and your children.  There are four core areas that you will have to make decisions regarding.  They are child custody and visitation, child support, the division of marital property, and spousal support.  Click the links below to learn more about each of the core areas of a divorce.

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Our Divorce Packages

     Our Tennessee Divorce attorney offers three affordable flat fee divorce packages to  cater to your unique needs: Do-It-Yourself Divorce, Uncontested Divorce, and Contested Divorce.  We also offer flexible payment plans that fit almost any budget. 


     The Do-It-Yourself Divorce package is available to anyone in the state of Tennessee. The Uncontested Divorce and Contested Divorce packages are limited to people in Tennessee who would like there divorce processed in Shelby County.  Click on a divorce package below to learn more about that particular Tennessee divorce package. To learn more about Tennessee divorce, check out our Tennessee Divorce FAQs below.

This Tennessee divorce package is for the person who  is comfortable representing themselves and just need a little help getting started.  When you purchase this Tennessee divorce package, here is what you get:

  • We begin with a confidential  Divorce Planning Session;

  • We draft your divorce documents;

  • We provide you a copy of your divorce documents in pdf format; and

  • We advise you on how to proceed.

Starting at $250



This  Memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee divorce package is for the person who has reached an agreement with their spouse regarding the terms of their divorce and would like to have a knowledgeable divorce attorney representing them throughout the divorce process.  When you purchase this Memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee divorce package,  here is what you get:

  • Everything included in the Do-It-Yourself Divorce


  • We file your paperwork;

  • We schedule your final hearing;

  • We represent you in court during your final hearing; and

  • We provide you and your spouse copies of your divorce documents in pdf format.

Starting at $750



This Memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee divorce package is for the person who needs help negotiating the terms of their divorce and would like to have a knowledgeable divorce attorney on their side to ensure that their rights and best interests are being protected.  When you purchase this Memphis and Shelby County Tennessee divorce package, here is what you get:

  • Everything included in the Uncontested Divorce;                         PLUS

  • Representation from a knowledgeable and experienced divorce attorney to assist you with negotiating the terms of your divorce.

Starting at $2400



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The Tennessee Divorce Process

Divorce Planning  Session

Protect yourself, your children, and your finances by planning ahead.

When considering a divorce, it is important that you become informed about your legal rights and responsibilities so that you can plan properly for your divorce.  We offer a low cost divore planning session to provide you with an indepth analysis of your situation, helpful legal information, and a divorce strategy tailored to your particular situation to save you time, money, and stress.  The cost of our divorce planning session is $100.  If you decide to retain us, your divorce planning session fee will be credited towards the overall cost of your legal services, making it free in effect.  Our divorce planning sessions can be completed in our office, via phone, or via video conference.  You may choose the method that is most convenient for you. You can expect your divorce planning session to last from 45 minutes to one hour.


We want the time you spend with us to be meaningful and valuable.  That is why our attorney will email you a welcome packet when you schedule your divorce planning session that will inform you how to prepare for your divorce planning session.  In addition it will contain a questionnaire that you will need to complete prior to your divorce planning session. 


During your divorce planning session, our divorce attorney will:

  • Review your questionnaire and other relevant documents to gain a thorough understanding of your particular situation;

  • Talk with you to learn more about your situation, your concerns, and your goals;

  • Share with you our thoughts regarding the strengths and weaknesses of your position;

  • Provide you with information relating to alimony, spousal support, distribution of marital assets, distribution of marital debt, child custody, visitation, and child support;

  • Collaborate with you to set realistic goals and develop a legal strategy tailored to your unique situation and goals;

  • Provide you with an estimated cost of your divorce services; and

  • Discuss your payment options.


In addition to providing you with legal information, another objective of our divorce consultation is to determine whether or not you and our firm are a good fit for each other.  There are many reasons why we might decide not to represent you, but if we make such a decision, it should never be taken personally. 


If we decide you are a good fit for us and you feel likewise, we will discuss your payment options, decide on a payment plan, and execute an Attorney-Client Agreement.  If you would like to take advantage of one of our affordable payment plans, you will need to bring a government issued photo identification, your last two check stubs, a copy of your last bank statement, and a debit or credit card with you to your consultation. The payments for your attorney fees will be automatically drafted from the debit or credit card you provide in accordance with the payment plan you choose. 


 Please note that your divorce planning session is confidential and subject to the attorney-client privilege, even if you do not retain us.

Uncontested Divorce

An uncontested divorce is a divorce in which both of the parties have already reached an agreement regarding all issues, including, but not limited to, spousal support, alimony, child support, child visitation, child custody, parenting time, distribution of marital debts, and distribution of marital assets.   When you purchase an uncontested divorce package, a Marital Dissolution Agreement, Agreed Permanent Parenting Plan (if you and your spouse have children together), and Final Decree of Divorce have to be signed by you and your spouse before your Complaint for Divorce will be filed with the court.


To get started, click here to schedule a divorce planning session with our Memphis divorce attorney.

Contested Divorce

A contested divorce is a divorce in which the parties have not reached an agreement regarding all issues regarding their divorce, including, but not limited to, spousal support, alimony, child support, child visitation, child custody, parenting time, distribution of marital debts, and distribution of marital assets.  When you purchase one of our contested divorce packages,we attempt to negotiate a divorce settlement with your spouse before divorce litigation is initiated.


To get started, click here to schedule a divorce planning session with our Memphis divorce attorney.

Tennessee Divorce Process Flowchart

The Tennessee divorce process differs depending on whether or not your divorce is contested or uncontested. The uncontested divorce process is typically quicker than the contested divorce process.  An uncontested divorce typically takes three to six months.  A contested divorce typically takes a year or more.

Uncontested Divorce

Contested Divorce

Drafting of Uncontested Divorce documents

Review of Uncontested Divorce documents

Signing of Uncontested Divorce documents

Filing of Uncontested Divorce documents

Parties attend Parent

Educational Seminar

and provide attorney

certificates of completion

Do the parties have minor or dependenat children together?

Yes, the parties have minor or dependent children together.

Parties wait 90 days

Copies of the Final Decree of Divorce are furnished to the parties in pdf format

Final Hearing for Uncontested Divorce is scheduled

No, the parties do not have minor or dependent children together.

Parties wait 60 days

Certificates of Completion of Parent Educational Seminar are filed

with the court

Petitioner attends the  Final Hearing for Uncontested Divorce

Final Hearing for Uncontested Divorce is scheduled

Divorce Planning Session

Petitioner attends the  Final Hearing for Uncontested Divorce

Copies of the Final Decree of Divorce are furnished to the parties in pdf format

Is the divorce

contested or


Drafting of Contested Divorce documents

Review of Contested Divorce documents

Signing of Contested Divorce documents

Filing of Contested Divorce documents

Issuance of Summons

Defendant is served Summons

Defendant has 30 days

to answer after

being served

Did Defendant answer?


Defendant answered.


Defendant did not answer.

Motion for Default Judgment and Supporting Affidavits are drafted

Motion for Default Judgment and Supporting Affidavits are reviewed

Motion for Default Judgment and Supporting Affidavits are signed

Motion for Default Judgment and Supporting Affidavits are  filed

Hearing for Motion for Default Judgment is scheduled

Petitioner attends Hearing for Motion for Default Judgment

Order of Default Judgment is granted

Wait 30 days

Final Hearing for Uncontested Divorce is scheduled

Petitioner and a witness attend the  Final Hearing for Uncontested Divorce

Parties attend Parent

Educational Seminar

and provide attorney

certificate of completion

Parties' Certificates of Completion of Parent Educational Seminar are filed with the court

Copies of the Final Decree of Divorce are furnished to the parties in pdf format

Defendant's Answer

is reviewed

Informal Settlement

is explored

Defendant has 30 days to provide answers to requests for discovery

Request for Discovery is filed with the court

Mediation is scheduled

Parties attend mediation

Did the parties resolve all the issues during mediation?

Was mediation successful?

Yes, mediation was successful

The Marital Dissolution

Agreement, Permanent Parenting Plan, and Final

Decree of Divorce are drafted

The Marital Dissolution

Agreement, Permanent Parenting Plan, and Final

Decree of Divorce are reviewed

The Marital Dissolution

Agreement, Permanent Parenting Plan, and Final

Decree of Divorce are signed

The Marital Dissolution

Agreement is filed with the court

No, mediation was not successful

Final Hearing for Uncontested Divorce is scheduled

Petitioner attends the  Final Hearing for Uncontested Divorce

Copies of the Final Decree of Divorce are furnished to the parties in pdf format

Attorney and Client will discuss additional attorney fees for future services

Decide whether or not to continue on mediation path

If so, schedule additional mediations

Motion for Temporary Relief (child custody/child support/ spousal support)



Disclosures/ Discovery



Orders and Briefs

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