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Our Child Custody Packages
Our Memphis child custody attorney offers two afforadable flat fee Tennessee child custody packages to cater to your unique needs. We also offer flexible payment plans that fit almost any budget. Click on a child custody package below to learn more about that particular Tennessee child custody package. To learn more about child custody in Tennessee, check out our Tennessee Child Custody FAQs below.
This Memphis and Shelby County,Tennesee child custody package is for the person who has reached an agreement with their child's other parent regarding the terms of their child custody arrangement and would like to have a knowledgeable child custody attorney representing them throughout the child custody process. When you purchase this Tennessee child custody package, here is what you get:
We begin with a confidential child custody planning session;
We draft your child custody documents;
We provide you a copy of your child custody documents in pdf format; and
We advise you on how to proceed;
We file your child custudy documents;
We schedule your final hearing;
We represent you in court during your final hearing; and
We provide you and your child's other parent copies of your child custody documents in pdf format.
Child Custody
This Memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee child custody package is for the person who need help negotiating the terms of their child custody arrangement and would like to have a knowledgeable child custody attorney on their side to ensure that their rights and best interests are being protected. When you purchase this package, here is what you get:
Everything included in the Uncontested Child Custody package;
Representation from a knowledgeable and experienced child custody attorney to assist you with negotiating the terms of your child custody arrangement.
Child Custody
Uncontested Child Custody
Uncontested Child Custody is a child custody case in which both parents have already reached an agreement regarding all issues, including, but not limited to, child support, child visitation, child timesharing, and child decisionmaking responsibility, designation of primary residential parent, who will file a tax exemption, who will maintain the child's health insurance, who will pay uncovered medical expenses, and who will provide life insurance for the benefit of the minor child. Uncontested child custody cases tend to be more cost efficient, less drawn out, and less hostile than a contested child custody matter. The attorney fees for our Uncontested Child Custody cases vary depending on the complexity of your case and the length of the payment plan you choose.
Our Uncontested Child Custody Packages are appropriate when you and your spouse have already sat down together and agreed on all the issues. These packages include a confidential child custody planning session with our knowledgeable child custody attorney, uncontested child custody paperwork, the filing of your uncontested child custody paper work, and representation at your uncontested child custody hearing. When you purchase one of our Uncontested Child Custody Packages, an Agreed Order and Agreed Permanent Parenting Plan must be signed by both parties before the Petition for Custody is filed with the court clerk.
If there are any issues in which you and your child's other parent do not agree, a Contested Child Custody Package may be better for you.
To qualify for one of our Uncontested Child Custody packages, you and your child's other parent must meet all of the following five requirements:
1. Agree to the child custody proceeding;
2. Reach an agreement on all issues without the assistance of our child custody attorney (Including, but not limited to, child visitation, child timesharing, and child decisionmaking responsibility, designation of primary residential parent, who will file a tax exemption, who will maintain the child's health insurance, who will pay uncovered medical expenses, and who will provide life insurance for the benefit of the minor child.);
3. Voluntarily sign all uncontested child custody documents without service of process;
4. Voluntarily complete the mandatory Parent Educational Seminar;
5. Be fully aware of each other’s income; and
6. Not have a history or allegations of harassment, stalking, abuse, or neglect.
When you purchase one of our Uncontested Child Custody Packages, here's what you get:
We begin with a confidential child custody planning session with our Memphis child custody attorney;
We inform you how to proceed;
We prepare your uncontested child custody documents based off your answers in the intake questionnaire;
We provide you and your child's other parent with a copy of your uncontested child custody documents in pdf format for review;
We schedule a time for you and your child's other parent to come to our office to execute your uncontested child custody documents;
We provide you and your child's other parent with a copy of your executed uncontested child custody documents in pdf format;
We file your uncontested child custody documents(filing fee not included);
We schedule your final uncontested child custody hearing;
We prepare for your final uncontested child custody hearing;
We represent you in court during your final uncontested child custody hearing;
We provide you and your spouse a copy of your final order of child custody in pdf format;
We provide you access to our ebook entitled Parenting Through Divorce;
We provide you with helpful child custody articles and tips directly to your email.
Uncontested Child Custody Package prices:
The prices for our Uncontested Child Custody package varies depending the complexity of your case..
Contested Child Custody
A contested child custody case is a matter in which the parties have not reached an agreement regarding all issues, including, but not limited to, child support, child visitation, child timesharing, and child decisionmaking responsibility, designation of primary residential parent, who will file a tax exemption, who will maintain the child's health insurance, who will pay uncovered medical expenses, and who will provide life insurance for the benefit of the minor child. The attorney fees for our contested child custody package varies depending on the complexity of your case and the length of the payment plan you choose. When you purchase one of our contested child custody packages, a Petition for Custody is filed with the court clerk and your spouse is given notice by a Summons that is served upon your spouse by the Shelby County Sheriff. When you purchase one of our flat fee contested child custody packages, you will be charged one flat fee for us to handle your child custody case from the beginning until the conclusion of mediation. Parties with cases involving child custody are often times required to attend mediation and the majority of child custody cases are resolved during mediation. If you and your child's other parent are unable to reach an agreement regarding all issues in regards to child custody during mediation, we will negotiate a rate for us to represent you during proceedings for temporary relief and the trial phase.
If there are not any issues in which you and your spouse do not agree, an Uncontested Child Custody Package may be better for you.
When you purchase one of our Contested Child Custody Packages, here's what you get:
We begin with a confidential child custody planning session with our Memphis child custody attorney;
We inform you how to proceed;
We prepare your contested child custody documents based off your answers in the intake questionnaire;
We provide you with a copy of your contested child custody documents in pdf format for review;
We schedule a time for you to come to our office to execute your contested child custody documents;
We provide you with a copy of your executed contested child custody documents in pdf format;
We file your contested child custody documents(filing fee not included);
We prepare a Summons so that your spouse can be served a copy of your contested child custody documents;
We coordinate service of process with the Shelby County Sheriff;
We represent you from the beginning of your child custody case until the conclusion of mediation, as the majority of child custody cases are resolved during mediation;
We schedule your final uncontested child custody hearing;
We prepare for your final uncontested child custody hearing;
We represent you in court during your final uncontested child custody hearing;
We provide you and your spouse a copy of your final decree of child custody in pdf format;
We provide you access to our ebook entitled Parenting Through Child custody;
We provide you with helpful child custody articles and tips directly to your email.
Contested Child custody Packages prices:
The prices for our Contested child custody packages vary depending on the lcomplexity of your case.
Retaining a child custody attorney at other law firms tend to be expensive and can put a strain on your finances. Our Memphis child custody attorney understands that not everyone can afford advance deposits/retainers requested by many child custody lawyers and divorce firms. Our Memphis child custody attorney also understands that navigating through a child custody matter without a child custody attorney is difficult and can put your future and the future of your family at risk. Thus, to alleviate some of the stress that comes along with a child custody case, our Memphis child custody attorney offers affordable flat fee child custody packages and flexible payment plans. Our unique child custody package and payment plans allow you to choose how your child custody matter will be handled and take control of the financial aspect involved in ending your marriage.
When you choose one of our flat fee child custody packages, you will know exactly how much you will pay in attorney fees and you won't have to stress about being billed for every phone call or e-mail that you make to our office. Your flat fee may be paid all up front or throughout a term of up to 12 months. Our flat fee child custody pacakages allow you to know ahead of time what your attorney fees are going to be and pick the payment plan and payment amount that works for your budget.
Our thoughtful and affordable flat fee child custody packages and flexible payment plans are designed to fit almost every budget. The prices for our child custody packages vary depending on:
Whether you choose an Uncontested Child Custody Package or Contested Child Custody Package;
The complexity of your case; and
The length of the payment plan you choose.
During your consultation, you will be quoted a fee for our affordable child custody packages. When you purchase one of our affordable flat fee contested child support packages, you will be charged one flat fee for us to handle your child custody from the beginning until the conclusion of mediation. Click here to schedule a Family Law Plnning Session with our Memphis child custody attorney.

Child Custody Prices

Child Custody Payment Plans
Our thoughtful and affordable flat fee child custody packages and flexible payment plans are designed to fit almost every budget. You may choose to make full payment up front or pay your attorney fees over the course of 12 months. The prices for our child custody packages vary depending on:
Whether you choose an Uncontested Child Custody Package, or Contested Child Custody Package;
The complexity of your child custody case, and
The length of the payment plan you choose.
During your child cusotdy consultaiton, you will be quoted a fee for one of our affordable child custody packages. When you purchase one of our affordable flat fee contested child custody packages, you will be charged one flat fee for us to handle your child custody case from the beginning until the conclusion of mediation. Click here to schedule a Family Law Planning Session with our Memphis child custody attorney.
Child Custody packages do not include filing fees, court costs, or expenses. Click here to schedule a child custody consultation with our Memphis child custody attorney.

The Tennessee Child
Custody Process
Low Cost Child Custody Consultation
When you are involved in a child custody dispute, it is important that you become informed about your legal rights and responsibilities so that you can plan properly for your child custody case. We offer a low cost child custody consultation to provide you with legal information and help you develop a legal strategy tailored to your particular situation to save you time, money, and stress. The cost of our child custody consultations are $100. If you decide to retain us, your consultation fee will be credited towards the overall cost of your legal services, making it in effect free. Our child custody consultations can be completed in our office, via phone, or via video conference. You may choose the method that is most convenient for you. You can expect your consultation to last from 45 minutes to one hour.
During your child custody consultation, our child custody attorney will:
Review your intake form and other relevant documents to gain a thorough understanding of your particular situation;
Talk with you to learn more about your situation, your concerns, and your goals;
Share with you our thoughts regarding the strengths and weaknesses of your position;
Provide you with information relating to child custody, visitation, and child support;
Collaborate with you to set realistic goals and develop a legal strategy tailored to your unique situation and goals;
Provide you with an estimated cost of your child custody services; and
Discuss your payment options.
In addition to providing you with legal information, another objective of our child custody consultation is to determine whether or not you and our firm are a good fit for each other. There are many reasons why we might decide not to represent you, but if we make such a decision, it should never be taken personally.
If we decide you are a good fit for us and you feel likewise, we will discuss your payment options, decide on a payment plan, and execute an Attorney-Client Agreement. If you would like to take advantage of one of our affordable payment plans, you will need to bring photo identification, your last two check stubs, and a debit or credit card with you to your consultation. The payments for your attorney fees will be automatically drafted from the debit or credit card you provide in accordance with the payment plan you choose.
After your child custody consultation, you will receive a client packet that will provide you with more information about the child custody process and what you can expect going forward.
Please note that your child custody consultation is confidential and subject to the attorney-client privilege, even if you do not retain us.
Uncontested Child Custody
An uncontested child custody case is a child custody case in which both of the parties have already reached an agreement regarding all issues, including, but not limited to, child support, child visitation, child custody, and timesharing. The attorney fees for our uncontested child custody packages varies depending onthe complexity of your case and the length of the payment plan you choose. When you purchase an uncontested child custody package, an Agreed Permanent Parenting Plan and Agreed Order have to be signed by you and your child's other parent before your Petition for Custody will be filed with the court.
To get started, click here to schedule a child custody consultation with our Memphis child custody attorney.

Contested Child Custody
A contested child custody matter is a child custody case in which the parties have not reached an agreement regarding all issues regarding their child's custody, including, but not limited to, child support, child visitation, child custody, and timesharing. The attorney fees for our contested child custody packages varies depending on the complexity of your matter and the length of the payment plan you choose. When you purchase one of our contested child custody packages, a Petition for Child Custody is filed with the court clerk and your spouse is given notice by a Summons that is served upon your spouse by the Shelby County Sheriff. When you purchase one of our flat fee contested child custody packages, you will be charged on flat fee for us to handle your child custody case from the beginning until the conclusion of mediation, as the majority of child custody cases are resolved during mediation. If you and your child's other parent are unable to reach an agreement regarding all issues in regards to your child's custody during mediation, we will negotiate an additional rate for us to represent you during proceedings for temporary relief and the trial phase.
To get started, click here to schedule a child custody consultation with our Memphis child custody attorney.

Tennessee Child custody Process
The Tennessee child custody process differs depending on whether or not the child custody is contested or uncontested. The uncontested child custody process is typically quicker than the contested child custody process. An uncontested child custody typically takes three to six months. A contested child custody case typically takes a year or more.
Uncontested child custody
Drafting of Uncontested child custody documents
Review of Uncontested child custody documents
Signing of Uncontested child custody documents
Filing of Uncontested child custody documents
Parties attend Parent
Educational Seminar
and provide attorney
certificates of completion
Copies of the Final Decree of Child Custody are furnished to the parties in pdf format
Final Hearing for Uncontested child custody is scheduled
Certificates of Completion of Parent Educational Seminar are filed
with the court
Petitioner attends the Final Hearing for Uncontested child custody
Contested child custody
Child Custody Consultation
Is the child custody
contested or
Drafting of Contested child custody documents
Review of Contested child custody documents
Signing of Contested child custody documents
Filing of Contested child custody documents
Issuance of Summons
Defendant is served Summons
Defendant has 30 days
to answer after
being served
Did Defendant answer?
Defendant answered.
Defendant did not answer.
Motion for Default Judgment and Supporting Affidavits are drafted
Motion for Default Judgment and Supporting Affidavits are reviewed
Motion for Default Judgment and Supporting Affidavits are signed
Motion for Default Judgment and Supporting Affidavits are filed
Hearing for Motion for Default Judgment is scheduled
Petitioner attends Hearing for Motion for Default Judgment
Order of Default Judgment is granted
Wait 30 days
Final Hearing for Uncontested Child Custody is scheduled
Petitioner and a witness attend the Final Hearing for Uncontested Child Custody
Parties attend Parent
Educational Seminar
and provide attorney
certificate of completion
Parties' Certificates of Completion of Parent Educational Seminar are filed with the court
Copies of the Final Decree of Child Custody are furnished to the parties in pdf format
Defendant's Answer
is reviewed
Informal Settlement
is explored
Defendant has 30 days to provide answers to requests for discovery
Request for Discovery is filed with the court
Mediation is scheduled
Parties attend mediation
Did the parties resolve all the issues during mediation?
Was mediation successful?
Yes, mediation was successful
The Permanent Parenting Plan, and Final Decree of Child Custody are drafted
The Permanent Parenting Plan, and Final Decree of Child Custody are reviewed
The Permanent Parenting Plan, and Final Decree of Child Custody are signed
No, mediation was not successful
Final Hearing for Uncontested child custody is scheduled
Petitioner attends the Final Hearing for Uncontested child custody
Copies of the Final Decree of child custody are furnished to the parties in pdf format
Attorney and Client will discuss additional attorney fees for future services
Decide whether or not to continue on mediation path
If so, schedule additional mediations
Motion for Temporary Relief (child custody/child support/ spousal support)
Disclosures/ Discovery
Orders and Briefs

Our Advantage
With us, you truly get the best of both worlds!
Your Perfect Lawyer
We are not your typical law firm. Our Memphis child custody attorney is dedicated to utilizing creative problem solving to provide our clients caring and compassionate legal representation. We understand that dealing with a child custody matter can cause financial uncertainty, that is why we offer child custody packages with affordable flat fees and flexible payment plans. With us, you never have to stress about receiving a costly attorney bill, and you get to choose the child custody package and payment plan that meets your needs and fits your budget. In addition, we make the child custody process more convenient by providing our child custody services by telephone, video conference, and in office. You get to choose which method is more convenient for you!
Traditionally if you wanted to obtain child custody services and child custody documents, you had to do either of the following:
pay expensive, up-front retainers and hourly fees, to retain a child custody lawyer, or
purchase child custody forms from a non-lawyer document preparation or legal forms company and hope that you are doing the right thing for your particular situation.
Now there is a better way! The Walls Law Firm utilizes the best features from the above two choices to provide caring and compassionate affordable child custody services throughout the State of Tennessee. With us you get the benefit of having a knowledgeable and experienced child custody attorney on your side while having the ability to pay for your child custody attorney fees over a term of up to 18 months.
Click here to learn more about our Child Custody Packages or click here to schedule a child custody consultation with our Memphis child custody attorney.
Why Choose Us?
Caring and Compassionate: We understand that you and your family are goin gthrough a difficult time. Thus, we are dedicated to utilizing law as a helping and healing profession by bringing compassion and understanding into our law practice to help creatively resolve your legal concerns during your child custody case. We will apporach your child custody case from an interdisciplinary perspective that focuses on the law’s impact on the emotional, psychological, and financial health of you and your family. Thus, when you entrust our child custody attorney with your child custody case, you can count on being treated with care and compassion.
Affordable Flat Fees: We offer our child custody services for affordable flat fees, so you never have to worry about receiving a costly attorney bill. You will get to pick the child custody package that best suits your particular needs, goals, and budget.
Flexible Payment Plans: We offer flexible payment plans for our child custody packages that are tailored to fit various budgets. You have the option of paying for your child custody package up front in full or paying for your child custody package over 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 month terms.
In-Person, Telephone, or Video Conference: We offer our clients and prospective clients the options of meeting with us in person in our office, by telephone conference, and video conference. Thus, you have the option of choosing the method that is most convenient for you!
Real child custody Services from a Real Licenesed TN child custody Attorney: A non-lawyer forms website is not a licensed attorney and cannot provide you true legal services, such as legal advice regarding your child custody case. When you purchase on of our affordable Child Custody packages, we provide you with true legal guidance from a licensed Tennessee child custody attorney and attorney drafted child custody documents, without requiring you to pay an expensive retainer fee that traditional child custody law firms usually require up-front. With us, you truly get the best of both worlds!

Click here to learn more about our Child Custody Packages or click here to schedule a child custody consultation with our Memphis child custody attorney.
We are different from a legal forms website because:
We are able to provide you a unique child custody strategy for your unique situation. We are able to evaluate your unique situation and develop a child custody strategy catered to address your specific concerns and goals that takes into consideration the law's impact on the emotional, psychological, and financial health of you and your family.
We offer real child custody services from a licensed Tennessee child custody attorney. If you go to a non-lawyer child custody document preparation service, they cannot offer you any legal advice regarding your child custody. Unlike document preparation companies, when you purchase one of our child custody packages, you get legal advice regarding your child custody in addition to child custody documents drafted by a knowledgeable licensed Tennessee child custody attorney; hence, you can feel assured knowing that you are purchasing child custody services that are tailored to accomplish your specific legal goals.
As lawyers, we must keep any communications between us confidential, and we are required to avoid any conflicts of interest. We use the SSL protocol, which is the most secure method of transmitting information over the Internet. You can be assured that our services are trustworthy, private, and secure.
We comply with the American Bar Association's "Best Practice" Guidelines. The American Bar Association House of Delegates recently approved "Best Practices" Guidelines for Legal Information web sites. These guidelines also apply to law firms. They serve as recommendations for how legal information web sites should publish legal information for use by the general public in order to increase the reliability and quality of the legal information and services provided. We support these guidelines and attempt to surpass them whenever we can.

Click here to learn more about our child custody Packages or click here to schedule a child custody consultation with our Memphis chid custody attorney.
We offer therapeutic legal representation. When developing and implementing legal strategies to address your concerns regarding your child custody, we take into consideration the law’s impact on the emotional, psychological, and financial health of you and your family to provide you with a thoroughly thought out child custody strategy catered to your particular situation.
We offer virtual and in office legal services. We can communicate with you securely over the Internet using our MyLegalAffairs client space. You also have the ability to communicate with us by email, text, or telephone, and meet with us in person. By providing our child custody services online, we are able to keep our fees low and make obtaining child custody services more convenient for you. When you utilize our online child custody services, you have the ability to send us an e-mail or complete our online questionnaires using our MyLegalAffairs client space at a time and place that is convenient for YOU.
We do not impose a costly retainer or up-front fees. You buy only the child custody services that you need for an affordable flat fee.
We offer payment plans. We understand that everyone's budget will not allow them to pay their entire attorney fee up front. That is why in addition to affordable flat fees, we offer flexible payment plans for our child custody packages. We offer flexible payment plans for each one of our child custody packages that are tailored to fit various budgets. You have the option of paying for your child custody package up front in fullor paying for your child custody package over 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 month terms.
You know what you will pay. When you choose one of our affordable flat fee child custody packages, you do not have to worry about hourly rates or costly attorney bills- you just pay an affordable flat fee.
We offer convenience. We offer our clients the convenience of meeting with us in person in our office, by telephone, and by video conference. We also offer our clients the ability to complete and submit their intake questionnaires online.
We are different from traditional law firm because:

Click here to learn more about our child custody Packages or click here to schedule a child custody consultation with our Memphis child custody attorney.